
This statistic shows the number of people shot to death by the U.S. police in 2017 and 2018 up to October 1st, distinguished by race. In 2017, the U.S. police shot 179 Hispanics to death. Almost all victims of police shootings were male. In 2017, 940 out of 987 fatalities were men. Show more.


Below are lists of people killed by law enforcement in the United States, both on duty and off. The Washington Post is maintaining a database of police shooting deaths: occasions where a U.S. law enforcement officer shot and killed someone in the line of duty, covering 2015 through the present.


27 окт. 2020 г. ... In the case of armed victims, Native Americans were killed by police at a rate three times that of white people (77 total killed). Black people ...


5 авг. 2019 г. ... At this age range, police are responsible for 1.2% of American Indian/Alaska Native male deaths, 0.5% of Asian/Pacific Islander male deaths, 1.2 ...


9 мар. 2022 г. ... Blacks are an even higher percentage of unarmed civilians shot and killed by police (34%), which is a potential sign of bias. However, not all ...


5 нояб. 2015 г. ... ... statistics on police shootings in specific years. Unlike the censored data ... race-specific crime rates on racial bias in police shootings.


3 мар. 2022 г. ... ... percent of those fatally shot and killed by police in 2021, according to Mapping Police Violence, a nonprofit group that tracks police shootings ...


2 окт. 2021 г. ... Recent studies suggest that over the life course, about one in every 1000 Black men are killed by the police in the USA, making them 2·5 times ...


Flowers cover the streets outside Cup Foods at a memorial for George Floyd. Racial disparities. Black males comprise 6.1 percent of the total U.S. population ...


Officers were charged with a crime in only 12 of these cases. One percent of all killings by police. Each year, fewer than 3% of killings by police result in ...




3 нояб. 2023 г. ... In 2022, there were 1,097 fatal police shootings. Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than ...


Racial residential segregation is a significant predictor of the magnitude of the Black-White disparity in fatal police shootings at the city level.





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